Mendocino County, CA
Home MenuVoluntary/Formal Supervision Cases
The mission of Mendocino County Family and Children’s Services is to ensure the safety and well-being of children. We recognize that maintaining the family unit is the best option for children, when the children’s safety and well-being can be assured. Voluntary/Formal Supervision Services is a program offered to families who Social Workers have assessed are at high risk of Juvenile Court involvement due to child abuse or neglect, but the parent(s) are willing to work with the department to make immediate changes to ensure the children’s safety.
In order for the children to remain safely at home, the parent(s) agree to participate in the development and implementation of a safety plan, as well as engage in services identified by the family and Social Worker that will help the family make the necessary changes to alleviate the child abuse or neglect.
The family is “Formally Supervised” by the Social Worker until it is determined that the family has stabilized and child safety has been established and maintained. Voluntary/Formal Supervision cases are generally 6 months in duration. If, during this time frame, the family is unable to establish and maintain child safety, the Social Worker will initiate a court case with the Mendocino County Juvenile Court.