Mendocino County, CA
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24/7 Toll Free Crisis LineIf you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need help right away, call: 1-855-838-0404(A danger to oneself or others) Mendocino County Mental Health Plan (MHP) offers free Language Line, interpreter assistance, American Sign Language, and TTY/TDD services for beneficiaries requesting or accessing services. These services may be requested at any Mental Health Plan Provider site or by calling the Mendocino County Access Line: 1-800-555-5906. |
Linea de Crisis Llamada Gratis 24/7
Si usted esta experimentando una crisis de salud mental y necesita ayuda inmediata, llame:
1-855-838-0404(Un peligro para uno mismo u otros) El Plan de Salud Mental del Condado de Mendocino(MHP) ofrece una linea gratis de Idiomas, asistencia de interpretes, Lenguage de Signos Americano, y servicios para personas sordas, servicios para beneficiarios que requieran o tengan acceso a los servicios. Estos servicios pueden ser requeridos con cualquier proveeder del Plan de Salud Mental o llamondo al 1-800-555-5906. |
Speciality Mental Health Services
Mendocino County Mental Health Plan Provides the Following Services:
- Mental health services;
- Medication support services;
- Day treatment intensive;
- Day rehabilitation;
- Crisis intervention;
- Crisis stabilization;
- Adult residential treatment services;
- Crisis residential treatment services;
- Psychiatric health facility services;
- Intensive Care Coordination (for beneficiaries under the age of 21);
- Intensive Home Based Services (for beneficiaries under the age of 21);
- Therapeutic Behavioral Services (for beneficiaries under the age of 21);
- Therapeutic Foster Care (for beneficiaries under the age of 21);
- Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services and;
- Targeted Case Management.
Adult System of Care
Provides access to services, crisis intervention, care management and medication support services to individuals, age 25 and older, with severe and persistent mental illness. Services are provided with a strength-based focus in order to increase community members’ ability to be successful in the community and to reduce impairments related to mental illness. Individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders are welcomed and services are provided that are supportive of each person’s recovery and that foster hope and self-determination.
Child and Family System of Care
Ukiah, Willits and Fort Bragg each have clinicians available to provide assessments for children who have serious emotional disturbance or mental illness. Parents who need services because they have serious concerns about their child’s Mental Health should call 1-800-555-5906. Behavioral Health provides a range of services including: Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Rehabilitation services, Family Strengths (Wrap-around services), Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) and Case Management.
Outpatient Services
Outpatient services may include assessment, beneficiary planning, therapy, group therapy, family therapy, rehabilitative, targeted case management, intensive care coordination, intensive home based services, medication support services, therapeutic behavioral services, assisted outpatient treatment, housing support, support with independent living skills, and support with transitioning from higher to lower levels of care, or when needed lower to higher levels of care.
Urgent/Crisis Services
The MHP providers will offer urgent and crisis response services to MHP beneficiaries 24/7. Urgent/Crisis services include assessment for 5150 criteria, crisis intervention, crisis stabilization, acute psychiatric hospitalization for those that meet 5150 criteria, linkage and rehabilitative services, and post crisis/hospitalization support. Urgent/Crisis services may also include emergency medication intervention, therapy, targeted case management and crisis residential programs. Beneficiaries needing urgent/crisis services may be assessed at the crisis center, home, school, emergency room, jail, or juvenile hall. Urgent/Crisis services may involve collaboration with law enforcement and emergency departments.
The MHP will offer Urgent/Crisis centers located in at least Ukiah and Fort Bragg, with 24/7 response to all emergency rooms. The MHP will also maintain relationships with acute psychiatric hospitals across Northern California to make those resources available to beneficiaries as needed.
Mobile Crisis Benefit
Mobile Crisis is a new service for specialty mental health beneficiaries. BHRS provides this service to the whole community responding to crises in caller homes and in the community. Individuals in crisis should call the Crisis Line, where the RCS Crisis workers will use the Department of Health Care Services approved triage tool to determine whether to dispatch mobile crisis. Mobile Crisis workers are also triaged by Dispatch for calls to 911 that have a behavioral health component. BHRS coordinates with the RCS Crisis Line to dispatch calls and to complete further assessment and triage to acute psychiatric hospitalization when that is warranted. Mobile Crisis responses respond without law enforcement when there are no safety or medical concerns. Mobile crisis aims to stabilize the crisis in the least restrictive environment, stabilizing individuals in the community and connecting to outpatient services when possible, and supporting emergency room and RCS assessment or hospitalization when crisis respite or hospitalization are needed. Mobile crisis teams aim to facilitate voluntary participation in the crisis assessment, but if involuntary detention is needed and the individual will not engage in care, we do involve law enforcement for support of enforcement of involuntary criteria.
Medication Support Services
Licensed Psychiatric Providers (Medical Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and Licensed Vocational Nurses) provide medication support services for adults, age 25 and older, with severe and persistent mental illness.
Residential Treatment and Long Term Care
The MHP will offer residential and long term care for beneficiaries that are not able to safely live independently or with families. These placements provide 24/7 care and support. The MHP will provide placement case management and support beneficiaries in the process of stepping down from residential case to independent or supported living environments when possible. The MHP will maintain relationships with 24/7 care providers throughout Northern California to make those resources available to beneficiaries as needed.
Day Treatment Intensive Half-Day and Full-Day
The MHP provides day treatment intensive services. Day treatment intensive services are a structured, multi-disciplinary program of therapy, which may be used as an alternative to higher levels of care. Day treatment intensive provides services to a distinct group of beneficiaries who receive services for a minimum of three
hours per day (half-day) or more than four hours per day (full-day). Service activities may include, but are not limited to, assessment, plan development, therapy, rehabilitation and collateral.
Day Rehabilitation Half-Day and Full-Day
The MHP provides day rehabilitation services. Day Rehabilitation services are a structured program of rehabilitation and therapy with services to improve, maintain or restore personal independence and functioning, consistent with requirements for learning and development and which provides services to a distinct group of beneficiaries who receive services for a minimum of three hours per day (half-day) or more than four hours per day (full-day). Service activities may include, but are not limited to assessment, plan development, therapy, rehabilitation and collateral.
Wellness and Recovery Centers
Strength-based, wellness and recovery focused Outreach & Engagement programs that provide linkage to other support services, classes and groups to support life skills training, nutritional and exercise education and support, finance management, patient navigation, dual diagnosis support, vocational & educational support, health management support, self-esteem building and developing healthy social relationships. Centers are a safe environment that encourages peer support, self-advocacy and personalized recovery. Click Here for a list of Wellness Centers.
Assisted Outpatient Treatment
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) is a program otherwise known as “Laura’s Law” or AB 1421. Mendocino County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution for a one year Assisted Outpatient pilot implementation project on November 10th, 2014. Assisted Outpatient Treatment is a court ordered treatment program for clients that meet 9 very specific criteria: an adult with severe mental illness, believed to be safety risk in the community, with a history of non-compliance, who has been offered but failed to engage in treatment, without treatment will be a risk to self or others, but doesn’t currently meet 5150 criteria, who’s mental health condition is deteriorating, and would benefit from outpatient treatment.
The goal of AOT is to engage the client in treatment and reduce safety risks to clients and the community. Least restrictive level of care is always maintained to minimize infringement of client rights while still maintaining community safety. While AOT is a court monitored program, it is a voluntary service and is successful through development and establishment of cooperation with the client. The AOT Coordinator can be reached at 707-472-2322.
- Click here to access AOT Referral Form.
- Haga clic aqui para acceder al formulario de referencia de AOT
Forensic Services
The MHP will offer mental health services to those that are involved with the criminal justice system. The MHP will work with local law enforcement, probation, and Superior Court to develop specialty mental health programs that will provide access and support for beneficiaries involved in the criminal justice system. The MHP will also offer diversion services to those individuals who can benefit from a diversion program.
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)
TBS is a mental health service that is available to children and youth with serious emotional problems. The TBS staff person can work one on one with the youth to reduce severe behavioral problems that may lead to an out of home placement. TBS is also provided to children and adolescents living in group homes and supports them to reduce problem behaviors and reunify with their families.
Therapeutic Foster Care
The MHP provides Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) service for children and youth who have complex emotional and behavioral needs, and require intensive and frequent mental health support and can benefit from the services in a family environment. TFC provides short-term, intensive, trauma-informed, and individualized specialty mental health services for children up to age 21 who have complex emotional and behavioral needs. Services include plan development, rehabilitation, and collateral.
Mental Health Services Act (MHSA):
Services provided include Full Service Partnerships, a wrap around approach to client care which includes daily contact to ensure that the client is staying safe.
Mental Health Board
Under Welfare & Institutions Code Section 5600, each County is required to have a Mental Health Board or Commission. The MHB is made up of mental health clients, family members of clients, and members of the general public.
Patient's Rights Advocate
Protects the legal, civil and human rights of clients in the mental health system by supporting clients in communicating their spoken or perceived needs within the community, mental health system and legal arena.
Please note, all programs and services are not available at all locations. Please contact us to verify the location and office hours.